Friday, May 28, 2021

Walking, Biking, Public Transit and Faith Communities News Roundup - Memorial Day edition

 1. Last week the New York Times ran this story on Transit Chaplains.  I had no idea that Transit Chaplains were a thing.  Makes sense to me because every time a bus driver finds out I'm a clergy person (clerical collars usually give it away) they tell me all kinds of stuff.  Some of it is personal and heartbreaking, some of it is amazing and beautiful.  

2.  Minneapolis Eliminates Parking Requirements.  "The ordinance also includes an increase in bicycle parking requirements and will add new travel demand management (TDM) strategy requirements to more buildings, including every residential building with 50 or more units.

TDM options serve as incentives for developers who can offer residents free or discounted transit passes, improvements to pedestrian activity or shared vehicles for tenants. Electric vehicle chargers will be required."

Does this apply to churches/faith communities?  I hope so, more information forthcoming.   My hope is that there will be no more of these signs in front of churches! 

3.  Glad to see Mayflower UCC using their parking lot for more than just car parking.  On Saturday they opened up their parking lot as a pickup location for free compost!  On Sunday they used their parking lot for outdoor, socially distance worship.  

While I'm on the subject of Mayflower UCC, the following day a neighborhood turkey was spied perusing the parking lot.  Now I love the people, work, and mission of Mayflower UCC but I was a turkey looking for a place for my soul to call home I would look for a different church than one named Mayflower.  

4.  Finally, Tuesday marked the one year anniversary of the murder of George Floyd.  I try to go to George Floyd Square at least once a week.  The square is still closed as an automobile thruway, but it is flourishing as a shrine/pilgrimage site for racial justice and racial healing.  

5.  Update from Dr. Kyle Roberts, Dean of United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities - there is indoor bike parking at the new campus

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