A few weeks ago I was interviewed by the good folks at the Lewis Center. I have been listening to their podcast and using their resources for years. If you don't subscribe to their material - you should!
Here is the video. Hope you enjoy.
A few weeks ago I was interviewed by the good folks at the Lewis Center. I have been listening to their podcast and using their resources for years. If you don't subscribe to their material - you should!
Here is the video. Hope you enjoy.
A few weeks ago I took the bus to the north loop in Minneapolis and recorded a sermon for Day 1. I think it will probably stand as my best sermon ever. The content was above average (for me), but what made this sermon outstanding was the audio engineering. I've never been able to go back and redo one sentence here and another sentence there or excite the transition more (I just made that phrase up, but you understand).
And it was great to spend some time, virtually, with Peter Wallace - probably one of the nicest and most genuine people you will meet on planet Earth.
The sermon is a condensed version of my book, Church on the Move.
Go here to listen to the sermon and chat with Peter.
Thank you StreetFilms:
A couple of weeks ago Clarence Eckerson of StreetFilms was in town to make some new movies about the updates to the biking infrastructure in the Twin Cities. As part of his time here myself and the pedalingprofessor organized a ride to show Clarence some of our favorite parts of Minneapolis. About 10 people joined us. It was great fun and Clarence is a fun, gregarious and charming human being. I gave Clarence a copy of my book, Church on the Move. He in turn, asked me a little about it then turned that into a book promo! Here you go folks: